Manual for Scales


Connecting the BlueSnapAdapter

BlueSnap Smart - Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE) to RS232 Adapter daily use connect

Note: To ensure a successful connect to the BlueSnap Smart device the scale must be switched off.
Note: To send RawCommands directly to the scale it is necessary to have the scale switched on.
The issue is that when the scale sends data into the BlueSnap Smart device the plugin is not able to connect to it.
To ensure that the scale does not send any data to the device it is necessary to switch the scale off.

If the name of the device is not known you can use the function Gonector_Get( "devices" ; "blueSnapAdapter" ) to find out the name of the device.
The scales themselves must be set up in plugin with a "scaleReadCommand" and "scaleWeightPattern". To set these you need to use function Gonector_Set.

Do not pair the device through iOS settings.

BlueSnap Smart - Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE) to RS232 Adapter initial setup

Scales Hardware Setup

LESAK J1-RWP - Gonector_SetScriptEvent setup (needs to be manual)

LESAK J1-RWP - Gonector_Read setup (needs to be manual)

Traveler TA301 OHAUS - general setup