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5 reasons for not attending FileMaker DevCon

5 reasons for not attending FileMaker DevCon - Preview Image

To attend or not to attend? That's the question I am asking myself every year since 2002 when I attended my first FileMaker DevCon. I have attended 8 DevCons so far, and skipped one. I have identified the following 5 possible reasons for not attending:

  1. Attending DevCon costs a lot of money
  2. Traveling to DevCon costs a lot of money
  3. Staying at DevCon's location costs a lot of money
  4. Going to DevCon takes a lot of time when I cannot do my regular work
  5. The sessions and the people are going to be the same as last year

OK, you can argue with any one of these reasons, more or less successfully... But hey, dude, you're not really here reading this article to find reasons to not attend DevCon, are you? I think you're here because you have found my subject silly and want to argue with me. Or you're still hesitant to register, carefully counting the pennies in your pocket, and looking for reasons to attend. In either case, you are really looking for my...

Reasons for actually attending FileMaker DevCon

Am I right? Then get comfy in your chair—for you're gonna be spending 15 minutes in it—and watch the following video. Then let me know if you agree or disagree with me...

  So, what do you think? Please let me know by posting a comment below. And hopefully we'll see each other at DevCon!

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