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Integration of a Telephone System with FileMaker

A healthcare customer sought a way to streamline their call center operations, primarily used for scheduling patient appointments.

Telephone system integrated with FileMaker for quick patient lookup.

To address this, we implemented a custom Phone Companion plugin for FileMaker, enabling two-way communication between the phone system and the patient database. When an incoming call is received, the phone system sends the caller's phone number to the plugin. The plugin triggers a script in FileMaker to check if the number matches a patient record in the database. If a match is found, the system displays the patient's name and phone number, allowing the employee to answer the call and open the patient's detailed record with a single click.

Diagram of telephone system integration with FileMaker.

The patient record provides detailed information about the patient and includes a button to call the patient directly. The plugin, via the 3CX Softphone application, sends the recipient's phone number back to the phone system, which facilitates the call. This solution was implemented for Windows, where the 3CX application is fully compatible.

This integration eliminated the need for manual number searches, significantly speeding up and simplifying the workflow for employees.

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