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Borrowing shared resources

The goal was to create an efficient system for managing shared work resources stored in a cabinet, which includes devices such as iPhones, iPads, RFID readers, printers, scales, etc. It was necessary to ensure that the devices would not be lost, to track their location, borrowing status, return deadlines, and regular maintenance, as well as to keep a record of all past maintenance. Additionally, it was important to have the ability to document the complete contents of the packaging upon return, monitor responsibility for damages, and inspect the condition of the devices when they are lent out and returned.

Efficient management of shared work resources

To implement the solution, we proposed creating a system that includes several key components. We used an RFID reader with multiple antennas, which we placed in the cabinet to ensure the signal covers all devices. However, we have to count with the possibility that there could be boxes with RFID cards in the cabinet that the antenna must ignore. Therefore, we will maintain a list of added packages in the cabinet that the antenna will specifically read.

Each item was equipped with a printed RFID tag with a QR code. Scanning the QR code opens a web application where the equipment can be easily borrowed or returned. During the borrowing process, the user has the option to document the condition of the device, which helps in the early detection of any damage or incompleteness of the devices.

The system also allows setting a deadline for device inspection via an email containing a list of devices that need to be checked. Additionally, during the period when an item is borrowed, users can view the device’s user manual along with related files.

Diagram of RFID system for resource management

The solution also includes pushover notifications and emails. These notifications and emails alert users about items missing from the cabinet that have not been borrowed, or inform the administrator in case of device damage.

One of the key aspects of our solution is the ability to, in a single step, register a new item in the database, print a label for the device’s box, and include it in the list of all authorized tags.

Thanks to this solution, every employee knows which devices are available at any given moment and where to find them. The administrator has a much better overview of the status of all devices and better control over the entrusted assets.

Used technologies

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