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Xgode - Icon

Build native app
from FileMaker Go online
in 15 minutes

Xgode Overview

Don’t waste time downloading or learning how to use any developer tools. Simply use this online service to convert your FileMaker Go app into a native app. Xgode:

  • Turns your FileMaker Go app to a native app for iPhone and iPad
  • Does not require you to download, learn, and use any developer tools
  • Does not require you to own a Mac
  • Lets you use plug-ins in your app
  • Generates a secure web installation page for your in-house distribution
  • Uploads your app to the App Store for public distribution

All you need is a copy of FileMaker Pro, a FileMaker Developer Subscription, and Apple Developer Program membership (enrolling as organization recommended).

Patrick Cransotn
Allan Meinhart
Paolo di Mauro
Maurizio Accarino

How to Build an App Easily in Minutes

Click here for a step-by-step guide on how to build native apps from FileMaker database and distribute them with or without using the App Store

Xgode Tutorial
Creating a distribution certificate for Xgode
Turning FileMaker Databases into iOS Apps - with HOnza Koudelka - Day 1
Turning FileMaker Databases into iOS Apps - with HOnza Koudelka - Day 2
Turning FileMaker Databases into iOS Apps - with HOnza Koudelka - Day 3
Turning FileMaker Databases into iOS Apps - with HOnza Koudelka - Day 4
Turning FileMaker Databases into iOS Apps - with HOnza Koudelka - Day 5

Building Process Simplified

Until Xgode was available these were the steps you needed to perform to turn a FileMaker Go app to a native app and install it on your iOS device:

  1. Get an Apple ID and enroll in Apple Developer Program
  2. Register at FileMaker Community
  3. Get FileMaker Developer Subscription
  4. Buy a Mac
  5. Download and install Xcode
  6. Download and learn to use the FileMaker iOS App SDK
  7. Learn to use Xcode or get a third-party tool/template
  8. Generate provisioning profile and code signing certificate
  9. Prepare the SDK configuration file
  10. Prepare the FileMaker file and app graphics
  11. Build the app
  12. Resolve compiler/link errors and build again
  13. Create a manifest file and upload to a secure website
  14. Visit the web page and install the app

With Xgode, we have eliminated steps 4-9 and 12-13 for you!

Time Needed to Build an App

Made for App Store

Xgode will help you to publish your app in the App Store. You can easily configure all properties required by Apple and when your app is ready, simply select "App Store" as distribution profile, and Xgode will automatically upload your app to the App Store, ready for you to submit it. See what apps, built with Xgode, are already published:

Have you also published your app built with Xgode in the App Store? Let us know and we'll gladly showcase it here as well.

Start Building Now

Don’t hesitate, sign-up for a free account below, and start building your native apps. Or simply log in with your credentials if you have an account already. If you have any difficulties, contact us and we’ll help you


24U Xgode Indefinite Monthly Subscription?
24U Xgode Indefinite Monthly Subscription - Image
1-month subscription covering unlimited number of builds under a single developer account. Renews automatically unless you cancel the subscription ahead of renewal.
24U Xgode Indefinite Quarterly Subscription?
24U Xgode Indefinite Quarterly Subscription - Image
1-year subscription covering unlimited number of builds under a single developer account. Renews automatically unless you cancel the subscription ahead of renewal.
24U Xgode Indefinite Annual Subscription?
24U Xgode Indefinite Annual Subscription - Image
1-year subscription covering unlimited number of builds under a single developer account. Renews automatically unless you cancel the subscription ahead of renewal.

Optional Services

Voluntary payment for free help?
Voluntary payment for free help - Image
If we have provided you with a complimentary support, our best reward is your good feeling. But if you think we deserve some financial compensation anyway, please feel free to use this item to send us any amount you find appropriate.
24U Pre-Paid Support & Consulting?
24U Pre-Paid Support & Consulting - Image
Pre-paid capacity for scheduled support sessions and consultations for FileMaker, plug-in, web, and app development. The minimum order quantity is 8 hours.
24U Emergency Aid?
24U Emergency Aid - Image
We provide an emergency aid for FileMaker developers when at least one of our developers is available. If you’re in emergency and need an urgent help, please try to call us to check our availability before ordering this service.
(actual discount will be calculated at checkout)

Cancel your current subscription(s)

BundleID for iOS apps is a unique identifier used by Apple to distinguish apps within the App Store and the iOS system. It follows a reverse domain name format, such as:
Example: com.companyname.appname

Due to the size of your requested order, please fill in your contact information. We will reach out to you shortly.

Please enter your email to proceed with your order.

Please select at least one product

Looking for something not listed above? Contact us with your requirements, we can develop a custom plug-in or tool tailored to your specific needs.

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+420 608 301 880

Usually available on working days between 7am and 5pm GMT

We'll call you back if you call from a discoverable phone number and fail to reach us

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By completing and sending the form you agree that 24U s.r.o., a company established under the laws of the Czech Republic, with its registered office: Zvole u Prahy, Skochovická 88, CZ-25245, registered in the Commercial Register with the Municipal Court in Prague, section C, inset 74920 will use your personal data contained in the form for the purpose of sending 24U’s news, updates and other commercial communications. Providing 24U with personal data for the said purpose is optional. Details on personal data processing and on your rights connected therewith are contained in 24U’s Privacy Policy.

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