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Automated weighing of dispatched goods

The goal was to quickly and accurately record the weight of the goods into the existing FileMaker database with a single press of a button. This automated process was intended to save time for the operator and minimize the number of errors associated with manual entry.

Automated recording of goods weight into the database

Our customer had a Cardinal 190 scale from which they needed to obtain data. Therefore, we recommended purchasing a communication module. In our solution, we proposed connecting the Raspberry Pi with the Cardinal 190 scale indicator. This allows not only for the retrieval of the weight but also for resetting the scale directly from a mobile device. The operator can easily read the weight with a single touch on the mobile device, thereby eliminating the risk of errors when manually transcribing the weight.

Diagram of the solution for automated weighing of goods

This solution will also be complemented by cameras, allowing us to not only record the weight in the database with a single button press but also save photos of the goods’ condition at the same moment. You can read more about the camera solution in this example.

Used technologies

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