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Integration of FlightBridge and TRAQPak APIs into FileMaker

The customer uses a FileMaker application for planning the allocation of aircraft at an airport. In this setup, the FileMaker application acts as a backend for a Java application serving as the user interface. To streamline operations, the customer needed real-time information about aircraft arrivals and departures. The primary objective was to integrate this data into their system.

Illustration of FlightBridge and TRAQPak API integration with FileMaker.

For our solution, we implemented synchronization with the FlightBridge reservation service. Using Claris Connect as an intermediary between the FlightBridge API and the FileMaker database, we developed a flow that checks FlightBridge API data every hour. It retrieves information about planned arrivals and services exclusively for airports where FlightBridge has access, sending the data to FileMaker. This ensures users have up-to-date information about arrivals and can efficiently allocate hangar spaces and necessary services for aircraft.

Diagram of FlightBridge and TRAQPak API synchronization with FileMaker.

In the subsequent iteration, we extended the integration to include an additional data source, the TRAQPak service, providing an even broader range of information about aircraft and reservations. Here too, Claris Connect acts as a bridge between the APIs and the FileMaker database, ensuring the customer always has access to current and accurate data.

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