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LED Strip Controller
Control LED lights
with a custom app

LED Strip Controller Overview

Originally developed for the purpose of indicating positions within secure photomask storage racks, LED Strip Controller lets you control series of color LED lights in a flexible strip from any custom app capable of sending HTTP POST requests.

    Precise LED addressing

Precise LED addressing

We use APA102C addressable LED strips in order to reliably identify every single LED light we want to control. Thanks to using the APA102C standard is that our controller can reliably address every individual LED in the connected strip, making it suitable even for precise position indication applications.

Easy integration

Our controller receives commands to control the LEDs using HTTP POST requests. The commands structure is so simple that you can easily integrate it with any custom app capable of sending HTTP POST requests, including our favorite FileMaker platform. You can even control sequence of LEDs with a single command.

    Easy integration
    Color, brightness, blinking

Color, brightness, blinking

With our LED Strip Controller you can easily adjust color and brightness of every single LED, and even let the LEDs blink by setting two different color or brightness values along with blinking speed. The controller will take care of the blinking until you tell to stop.

Variety of uses

24U LED Strip Controller is compatible with any APA102C or SK9822 compatible LED strip or LED panel, so it can be used for many different applications, such as visual navigation, indication of position or status, or even displaying information visible from long distance.

    Variety of uses

End-to-end solution

We can supply everything you need to make this work for you, including the software and any necessary hardware. We can even help you to implement it to your custom app. If your business process can be improved by incorporating LED strips or LED panels controlled by you custom app, we can make it happen. Simply contact us to discuss your specific needs and available options.

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+420 608 301 880

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Let us call you Voláme

Vyplněním a odesláním tohoto formuláře udělujete 24U s.r.o., IČ: 26152584, se sídlem Zvole u Prahy, Skochovická 88, PSČ 252 45, zapsané v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem v Praze, oddíl C, vložka 74920 souhlas s využitím Vašich osobních údajů, které jsou obsaženy ve formuláři, k zasílání obchodních sdělení o nabídkách a novinkách 24U s.r.o. Poskytnutí osobních údajů je dobrovolné. Svůj souhlas můžete kdykoli odvolat. Podrobnosti o nakládání s Vašimi osobními údaji a Vašich právech s tím souvisejících jsou obsaženy v zásadách zpracovávání a ochrany osobních údajů.

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