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Our team crossed the ocean again to show our skills at the FileMaker Developer Conference, which took place in Orlando, Florida.We answered a lot of questions about FileMaker and we discussed every problem our customers came with.

Visitors could see our upgraded demo of hardware integration, featuring technologies, such as RFID, NFC, barcodes, servo motors, stepper motors, mobile printers, digital scale, and now also mobile payment terminals.  




24U team
Customer from Utah at our booth
Customer from Washington at our booth
24U team
Customer from Utah at our booth
Customer from Washington at our booth
24U team
Customer from Utah at our booth
Customer from Washington at our booth
24U team
Customer from Utah at our booth
Customer from Washington at our booth


If you didn’t have a chance to visit us personally and try out our demo and its new features at DevCon 2019 it doesn’t matter. We actually made a video for you where HOnza shows what demo consist of and how it works.


An important announcemen of DevCon this year was that FileMaker company announced that they were rebranded from FieMaker, Inc., to “Claris International Inc.” But the database platform has still the same name FileMaker. For more info visit this website:


24U team
Customer from Utah at our booth
Customer from Washington at our booth
24U team
Customer from Utah at our booth
Customer from Washington at our booth
24U team
Customer from Utah at our booth
Customer from Washington at our booth


We also shot a testimonial with Dennis Ranft who talked about our company and how we optimized his FileMaker solution. This video will be published on our YouTube channel and social media soon.



But you can work hard and yet have fun together. Our team found some time to visit many interesting places in Florida. 


24U team
Customer from Utah at our booth
Customer from Washington at our booth
24U team
Customer from Utah at our booth
Customer from Washington at our booth
24U team
Customer from Utah at our booth
Customer from Washington at our booth
24U team
Customer from Utah at our booth
Customer from Washington at our booth


We enjoyed DevCon 2019 and we hope you enjoyed it as well.

See you next year in Nashville…



See what happened last year at DevCon 2018 in Dallas, Texas


Call us Volejte

+420 608 301 880

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Let us call you Voláme

Vyplněním a odesláním tohoto formuláře udělujete 24U s.r.o., IČ: 26152584, se sídlem Zvole u Prahy, Skochovická 88, PSČ 252 45, zapsané v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem v Praze, oddíl C, vložka 74920 souhlas s využitím Vašich osobních údajů, které jsou obsaženy ve formuláři, k zasílání obchodních sdělení o nabídkách a novinkách 24U s.r.o. Poskytnutí osobních údajů je dobrovolné. Svůj souhlas můžete kdykoli odvolat. Podrobnosti o nakládání s Vašimi osobními údaji a Vašich právech s tím souvisejících jsou obsaženy v zásadách zpracovávání a ochrany osobních údajů.

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