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Blog Moved

by HOnza Koudelka

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I have just finished switching my blog from Posterous to a self-hosted based site. You may have noticed I mentioned this idea on Twitter some time ago. I had mainly three reasons for this change:

  1. Posterous did not let me insert JavaScript based widgets, such as live-updating Twitter stream
  2. WordPress has a really nice client app for iPad
  3. I could not easily back up and restore the whole blog on Posterous

When I discovered and summed all the above reasons, making the decision was pretty easy. But the switch itself was not easy at all. It took me nearly two weeks - therefore the pause in my blogging...

I am going to share my experience with the switch soon on this blog, so if you are planning a similar switch, wait a moment as I can save you at least a few hours of try-fail scenarios. I will be posting two articles covering the two biggest issues I had with the switch:

  1. Setting up WordPress to serve multiple blogs on multiple domains
  2. Transferring Posterous articles to WordPress while keeping maximum of it functional without interruption

For now, I hope you'll enjoy the fresh new look of my blog and the new features I will be adding in the next few weeks. One last note: I have tried to make most of my old blog articles available as they appeared in the old blog, even maintaining the old permalink. But there still may be some issues remaining. So if you find a broken link or anything weird in my old articles, please do me a favour and let me know.I will greatly appreciate it. Thanks and enjoy reading!

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