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DevCon 19 is coming!!!

DevCon 19 is coming!!! - Preview Image

FileMaker DevCon 2019

This year, our award-winning team will cross the ocean again to exhibit our skills at the FileMaker Developer Conference.

This time in Orlando, Florida, August 5-8.


Join our long list of happy global customers, such as Jacoma Estates from Malawi, Africa, Synelogis and Compo Tech Plus both from Czech Republic, Ewe Manage from Quebec, Canada or Western Digital from California, USA, and many more companies worldwide…


New in this year at the FileMaker Developer Conference 2019...


You will be able to see our upgraded demo of hardware integrations, featuring technologies, such as RFID, NFC, barcodes, servo motors, stepper motors, mobile printers, digital scale, and now also mobile EMV payment terminals. 


We will be demoing our FileMaker plug-in called Gonector, designed specifically to let your apps running on iPhone or iPad talk directly to mobile POS devices, newly including terminals from Infinite Peripherals (for North America) and Ingenico (for Europe).


By seamlessly integrating payment terminals you can securely process credit card payments on the go directly from within your custom app, including NFC and Apple Pay.


Come to our booth to consult your current technical issues or learn about our recent products and customer projects. Don’t forget to also try our extended demo out. You may even take a piece of hardware away. So don’t miss this opportunity. We look forward to seeing you!

If you are interested in what our DevCon presence looked like last year just click on this link:


Call us Volejte

+420 608 301 880

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Let us call you Voláme

Vyplněním a odesláním tohoto formuláře udělujete 24U s.r.o., IČ: 26152584, se sídlem Zvole u Prahy, Skochovická 88, PSČ 252 45, zapsané v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem v Praze, oddíl C, vložka 74920 souhlas s využitím Vašich osobních údajů, které jsou obsaženy ve formuláři, k zasílání obchodních sdělení o nabídkách a novinkách 24U s.r.o. Poskytnutí osobních údajů je dobrovolné. Svůj souhlas můžete kdykoli odvolat. Podrobnosti o nakládání s Vašimi osobními údaji a Vašich právech s tím souvisejících jsou obsaženy v zásadách zpracovávání a ochrany osobních údajů.

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