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More than just Claris FileMaker 2023

More than just Claris FileMaker 2023 - Preview Image

The Claris FileMaker 2023 platform allows you to build, deploy, and manage the highest performing and reliable operational apps that scale with your business. Boost the performance of your custom apps, increase scalability with more hosting capacity for users and files, and protect your data with updated security protocols!


Internally marked as version 20.1.1, Claris FileMaker 2023 is the next major upgrade released with around 500 bug fixes and some brand new features.

Among all the new features our favorites are native support for audit logging and performing script on server with callback. Other highlights include native script step for triggering Claris Connect workflows and support for up to 1000 concurrent WebDirect users. But these are just the tip of the iceberg.


Look at the release notes just now and get more from Claris FileMaker...


Click to look at the release notes.


Do you feel the new version release might be a good time to start working with 24U to take your business to the next level? Let's schedule a free non-binding 30-minute consultation and we can discuss your current issues, needs and opportunities.


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FileMaker 20.1.1 in our Performance Lab

We have already spent 44 hours running a fresh new series of performance tests with BenchTest, our free tool you can use to compare performance of FileMaker techniques, versions and configurations. to bring you some The first results including FileMaker 20.1.1 are already available on our website.

With this new series we compare versions from 19.5.4 to 20.1.1, running FileMaker Pro clients both natively and virtualized in VMWare, and different flavors of equipment to run FileMaker Server on, including MacStudio, mini PC with Ubuntu Linux, and even Raspberry Pi 4.



Click to look at our results.



Of course, as with every major release, we suggest you test the new version before updating your business critical systems. Claris has also made Claris Connect available as a free trial for everyone interested. If you have any questions about the new version of Claris FileMaker or Claris Connect, please don't hesitate to schedule a free consultation with HOnza Koudelka.





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