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Save the Planet Through Automated Planting

Save the Planet Through Automated Planting - Preview Image

This year 24U had a chance to participate in a project of two brothers from Netherlands, utilizing the FileMaker platform. These brothers created the first mobile system for automated planting and we are really proud that we can the part of it. This system will not only make planting easy but it can really help us to save our planet.

You can plant anything, anywhere in the world. Tomatoes in a desert, strawberries in a cellar, in a few years maybe on Mars as well. Yes, it is possible. You need only a special box and a few garden tubes. You will plant seeds into the box, connect a fertilizer tank and water supply, and then you can just go home and sit in a couch. Now you need only your smart phone or a computer where you can set all the conditions and processes that will be the most sufficient for each plant. What amount of light, temperature, how often to water the plants or fertilize them. You will be the one who adjusts the perfect conditions and even your own unique planting recipe. Then you just watch and enjoy the results of your great job.

Planting becomes more comfortable, more efficient, and also cheaper and more ecological. Day after day food travels thousands of miles on thousands of trucks. With the help of this kind of planting they can stay parked instead of destroying our environment. Strawberries can be grown even in December in our cellar, the Spanish ones can stay in Spain, and also Mary can stay at home behind the kiln instead of visiting the twelve months.

There is a hope in some developing countries where the famine still often rules that thanks to these boxes the problem will almost disappear. It is also known that the human population growths more quickly than the food production. Now it can be different. This way of planting, called City Farming, will only grow. There is no danger of weather swing. The plant has the best conditions all the time.

Because of the mass usage of pesticides that destroy the nature, endanger our health and kill the colonies of bees, this possibility to plant healthy and nutritious food-stuff everywhere around the world is invaluable.

The whole world should appreciate brothers Kharim Pani and Saidi Pani for this amazing project. We are very happy that they succeeded in the competition called “Green-Tech Pioneers” you can read more about at the contest page (in Dutch).

Thank to all of you who voted and helped these brothers to be among 6 chosen people advancing to the next level of the context and getting the opportunity to present their project in front of a professional jury, broadcasted live in Holland TV on the 13th of December.

We are still working on this project and you will surely hear more about it in the near future, along with more details about how the FileMaker platform has helped us with it.

For now please join is in congratulating Kharim and Saidi for their success and let’s look forward to the moment when City Farming will come to dominate the world’s agriculture!
Learn more about City Farming.

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