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Providing Access to Paid Content

The customer had educational content for teachers that was not being fully utilized. The goal was to make use of the existing content by creating a system for paid access to these materials, either for a symbolic fee or free access via a coupon. The “portal” was designed to include both a web component for registration and access to the videos, and a FileMaker component for content administration and management.

Illustration of providing access to paid content

We developed a "portal" for the customer with functionality on both the web and in FileMaker. Users, primarily schools, can register through a web form where they have the option to enter a coupon for free membership. The form data is automatically stored in the FileMaker database, where coupons, user access, and content are managed.

On the website, all visitors have access to free sample videos. If they want full access to the content, they have two options: either their school registers using a coupon for free access, or they can purchase access for a symbolic fee.

Diagram of providing access to paid content

Membership is valid for one year, and one month before its expiration, the system automatically generates an email offering a membership renewal. The platform is integrated with Vimeo, where videos are managed, categorized, and supplemented with transcripts, making the content easier to search. Additionally, each school receives a unique code that can be shared with teachers for easy access to the videos.

The system also sends automatic notifications about the upcoming membership expiration, ensuring the process is fully automated and user-friendly. As part of the solution, there is also AI-powered smart search, which allows for efficient searching across the educational content.

Used technologies

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