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Timed control of power outlets

The customer needed to automate the control of power outlets at specific times. Traditional digital timers proved unreliable, especially during power outages, as their settings would reset. Therefore, the customer wanted to use a FileMaker database to store the current outlet settings. Another requirement was the creation of a web application that would allow remote customization of the schedule for turning devices on and off.

Illustration of smart sockets controlled via Raspberry Pi.

For this project, we implemented a solution using remotely controlled outlets operating on the 433 MHz frequency, which can be controlled via a Raspberry Pi equipped with a transmitter and receiver. First, we programmed the Raspberry Pi to recognize signals from the original remote control. Next, we developed a web application that allows users to input commands directly from the interface and remotely turn the outlets on or off according to the configured schedules.

Diagram of smart socket integration with Raspberry Pi.

Each outlet was configured as a record in the database with an assigned schedule, enabling automated activation and deactivation at predefined times. To ensure reliability, a task runs every minute on the FileMaker server to check the current adherence to the set schedule. Thanks to the web application we developed, this schedule can be modified from anywhere.

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