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Our Greatest Mistakes at FileMaker Konferenz 2023

by HOnza Koudelka

Our Greatest Mistakes at FileMaker Konferenz 2023 - Preview Image

We are proud to have been a sponsor of the German-speaking FileMaker Konferenz this year again. This year we came to Basel, Switzerland, to present our greatest mistakes to let others learn from them and some of our recent successes to inspire the conference attendees.

This year the German-speaking FileMaker conference took place from the 21st to 23rd of June in lovely premises of the Odelya hotel in the center of Basel. The hotel's historical building with relaxing natural garden, delicious food and kind staff provided an excellent environment to learn, discuss technical topics, and even start new business relationships. The only caveat of high early summer temperatures combined with lack of airconditioning turned out to be well over-balanced by the friendly athmosphere and common enthusiasm of all attendees, many of which we have seen first again after long four years.


Odelya garden


In order to do something new and in our attempt to be as helpful as possible, our presentation was focused on sharing our greatest mistakes and some of our recent successes. The idea was to turn the popular Swedish proverb into reality:

Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow.

Many people reached out to me before my session to tell me how they liked my choice of the session topic. Karsten Risseeuw even asked me during dinner: "What is your next mistake going to be?" So I responded: "I don't know but I'm going to enjoy it."


RFID vs barcodes
Imact of stored calculations
BenchTest results published so far


Sure, it's not always easy to talk about own mistakes, but the experience from doing so and the response is well worth it. Learning from own mistakes is painful but the Swedish proverb really worked and talking about some of mine and ours and sharing our experience and lessons learned from them was very well received by the audience of 69 people who came to the session.

Some people even came to me after the session to share some of their experiences with me in return. And I am very grateful for that.


Questions after session
Questions after session


I don't want to spoil too much the sessions I am also going to present, even though slightly updated, at the Rome FileMaker Week in October and the EngageU conference in November, so I won't share too much detail here yet, but I promissed the attendees to make my test files and examples available soon after the conference, so here they are, along with my slides exported to PDF:

Download the slides and other materials

If you have not attended the session, the slides can give you some hints but nothing beats hearing the whole story, so don't hesitate and register for one of the two upcoming conferences. 😉 I will be glad to see you there!

In the meantime, stay tuned. We won't be silent and more stuff will come from us even before the events.

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