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Conference Preparation

The goal was to design a tool for the efficient preparation and management of conferences, as well as for tracking incoming participants. It was necessary to make the registration process easier and manage check-ins efficiently, as queues were forming. The tool also needed to automate the distribution of information before and during the conferences and facilitate the production of identification badges. Additionally, it was essential to generate reports from workshops and create surveys along with their evaluations. Monitoring the capacity of lecture rooms and the overall conference was also crucial to prevent overcrowding or a shortage of space in the workshops.

Conference preparation and participant management

Within our solution, the complete preparation of materials needed for the conference is carried out. This preparation includes the list of participants, printing of identification badges, the conference program along with the schedule and capacity of workshops.

Participants register on the website, and a few days before the event, they receive a ticket via email, which they present upon entry. Upon arrival, the ticket is scanned, and the participant is recorded as present. Each participant is then given a package along with an identification badge. For the purpose of ticket scanning, we will use an application that we develop with our Xgode tool.

Several screens are provided for the conference, connected to Raspberry Pi devices. These screens display information about the conference program and the number of participants. In addition to showing the current number of participants, conference information will also be visible when offline, so we are not limited to locations with stable internet connectivity.

This solution ensures the complete preparation of materials, a smooth registration process, the evaluation of surveys after the conference, and, of course, provides up-to-date information to all participants during the conference.

Solution diagram for conference preparation and management

Used technologies

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