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Integration of Google Ad Manager with FileMaker

A customer, who sells advertising for magazines and online ad spaces, needed to automate the process of retrieving advertising campaign data from Google Ad Manager (GAM). The primary goal was to regularly obtain reports on the number of impressions and their distribution across websites without manual intervention.

Illustration of Google Ad Manager integration with FileMaker.

We implemented the solution by integrating the GAM API with FileMaker. We created a script that enables the regular import of campaign reports on a weekly basis, as well as manual data downloads on demand.

Diagram of automated data import from Google Ad Manager to FileMaker.

The process starts with a report request from FileMaker to GAM via a web service (SOAP). It consists of several steps. The first step is generating the report with the required parameters. In the second step, the system checks whether the report has been generated. Once the report is ready, the service returns a report URL, which is processed, and the data is automatically imported into FileMaker. The data is then broken down by individual websites and the number of impressions. This allows the system to monitor whether client requirements for the promised number of impressions and their distribution across different websites are being met.

This solution eliminated manual work and significantly improved the efficiency of data processing.

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