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Claris® FileMaker®
the world's leading Workplace Innovation Platform

We can get your license covered

Whether we are building a custom app for you or you just need a license, as a Claris Platinum Partner and authorized reseller, we can help you to get a new FileMaker license or renew an existing one, for the exact same price you would get directly from Claris, with added value of our services.

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Claris FileMaker

Claris FileMaker

Claris FileMaker is the world's leading workplace innovation platform. No other platform has the combination of powerful tools, professional partners, learning resources, support, along with a thriving community and marketplace. We are Claris Platinum Partner so make the FileMaker platform work for you the way you want and need with our expert advice.

Claris FileMaker 2024

Claris FileMaker 2024 powers new AI capabilities, giving you more value from your existing business data – safely and responsibly. Plus, this release offers new tools to build faster apps that are easier to maintain, and updates make deployment more secure and hassle-free.

Claris FileMaker 2024
Claris FileMaker 2023

Claris FileMaker 2023

Claris FileMaker 2023 brings native support for audit logging, increased security and better scalability. It allows you to build, deploy, and manage the highest performing and reliable operational apps that scale with your business. Boost the performance of your custom apps, increase scalability with more hosting capacity for users and files, and protect your data with updated security protocols.

Anywhere in the World

No matter where you're from or which currency you want to pay with, we can take care of you. With customers in 79 countries we can ensure you get the right language version of the installers and the right license to cover your specific needs.

Anywhere in the World
License Option Advise

License Option Advise

We have re-sold hundreds of FileMaker licenses and are familiar with all available options. For the case you want to serve yourself, we have prepared a visual licensing guide you can download for free. But the best option is to contact us and discuss your exact needs with us, as then we can tailor our licensing advice to exactly fit your business and suggest even outside-of-the-box solutions.

Expert Support from the Field

We're ready to help you to get the most out of your FileMaker license. Our technical support is handled by experts who spend most of their work time actually using FileMaker and developing or maintaining custom apps.

Please contact us or let us contact you to discuss your exact licensing needs and suggest the best option.

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+420 608 301 880

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