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LogMonitor - Icon

Get notified (only) when your server needs your attention


LogMonitor Overview

To maintain any kind of server efficiently, LogMonitor allows you to get quickly notified when the server needs your immediate attention and NOT notified about things that are not important to you.

Watch FileMaker Server

Watch FileMaker Server

FileMaker Server used to have the option to send e-mail notifications about errors and warnings. Version 17 removed the option for warning notifications. With LogMonitor you get this feature back in an even more flexible alternative. You can get notified even about scripting errors if they are important for you.

Watch other server apps

LogMonitor lets you define multiple different log files to monitor and different patterns to look for in the logs, so you can use it to monitor any app that logs important events to a readable text file. LogMonitor is even able to handle log rolling, as long as you can define name pattern for the log files.

Get notified fast via push notifications

In addition to sending e-mails, LogMonitor can send push notifications to your smart phone via Pushover. You can enable push notifications separately for each pattern, so you can get push notifications for urgent issues and only e-mail notifications about things that do not require immediate attention.

Get notified, not spammed

LogMonitor does not send an e-mail and push notification for every single log entry that matches your pattern. Instead, it sends a single notification as a digest of all issues it has discovered since last check, sorted by importance.

Open Source Library

Open Source Library

We at 24U believe that not only server admins, but everyone will benefit from server admins being able to address issues efficiently and in timely manner, for instance by experiencing shorter downtimes of our favorite online services, therefore we decided to make LogMonitor available as Open Source, under the GNU LGPLv3 license. We will, of course, appreciate any feedback or suggestions how to make it even better.


We cannot provide free support for the tool. You may, however, hire us to help you with your projects for money.

Optional Services

Voluntary payment for free help?
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If we have provided you with a complimentary support, our best reward is your good feeling. But if you think we deserve some financial compensation anyway, please feel free to use this item to send us any amount you find appropriate.
24U Pre-Paid Support & Consulting?
24U Pre-Paid Support & Consulting - Image
Pre-paid capacity for scheduled support sessions and consultations for FileMaker, plug-in, web, and app development. The minimum order quantity is 8 hours.
24U Emergency Aid?
24U Emergency Aid - Image
We provide an emergency aid for FileMaker developers when at least one of our developers is available. If you’re in emergency and need an urgent help, please try to call us to check our availability before ordering this service.
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