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Automatic order creation

The customer needed to streamline the process of submitting orders for creating graphic materials for regular seasonal advertising banners. They had an Excel spreadsheet with orders, which had to be manually entered into FileMaker, making it time-consuming and prone to errors. The goal was to automate and speed up the process.

Automating the process of creating orders for seasonal advertising banners

We implemented a REST API that accepts data in JSON format. The customer sends data directly from their system in JSON format to the API, eliminating the need for any additional user actions that might delay the process or introduce errors. The API checks the validity of the JSON file, verifies the required fields, and then passes the validated data to the FileMaker database. After validation, a script automatically creates orders in the existing FileMaker application based on predefined rules.

Diagram of automatic order creation using REST API

This process, which previously took several minutes, is now reduced to just a few seconds thanks to automation. The system ensures that all orders are properly validated and entered into the database without any manual intervention.

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