Animal Breeding
With Quality Data
With Quality Data
Breed Management
As an organization appointed by government to be responsible for managing breeding records for a specific breed, Breedbook gives you all the tools to manage the records as required:
- Access to data of the whole breed population
- Breeders registry
- Document generation
- Certificate of origin
- Zootechnical certifficate
- Origin verification application
- Genotype examination application
- Inventory reports
- Directory of breeders and animals
- Market catalogs
- and more…
- Performance check records
- Statistical reports
- Cost-effective data collection
- Simplified subsidy processing
The software complies with the amended Act. 154/2000 Coll. and Regulation (EU) 2016/1012 of the European Parliament and of the Council and the valid Breeding Program.
Breeding Advisory
For breeding advisors, the app provides an efficient way to work with data to advise on the best breeding animals pairing for producing high quality utility animals:
- Online access to breeders registry
- Online entry of performance check results
- Inventory reports
- Report of animals origins and movement
- Zootechnical certificates
- Certificate of origin
- Breeding animal identification assignement
- Pairing plan preparation
- Efficient work and travel management
Tools for Breeders
Breedbook has an easy to use interface for individual breeders, helping them to easily exchange information with breeding advisors and breed manager:
- Animals registry
- Detailed breeding records
- Reproduction records
- Statistical reports
- Animal origin records
- Performance check results
- Daily updated utility index
- Access to breed population info
- Market catalogs creation
- Multi-lingual interface (can add any left-to-right language)
Subsidy Processing
For breeders eligible for applying for agricultural subsidies, Breedbook offers an efficient way to prepare all information necessary for subsidy application, which the breed manager can easily use to generate group subsidy application and manage subsidy processing:
- Automated generation of source data
- Automated subsidy calculation
- Applicants list generation
- Application documents generation
- Generation of decree notifications
- Mass payment requests for subsidy distribution

Electronic Identification (EID)
Breedbook has a built-in support for EID tags to make recording and finding information easier and less time consuming:
- Seamless integration of EID scanner
- Automated entry of EID tag number
- Automated lookup of animal by scanning its EID tag
- Functional on both desktop computer and tablet or smartphone
License Inquiry
If you are a breed manager, breeding advisor or breeder interested in licensing this application, please contact us to discuss your specific needs and available options.
+420 608 301 880
Usually available on working days between 7am and 5pm GMT
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