Once again, our team came across the ocean to share our best experiences with you and to help you to let you focus on your business. This time in Las Vegas, Nevada.
We have spent over 15 years taking care of our customers, mostly through FileMaker® solutions. We crossed country borderlines both physically and over the internet to reach to customers around the whole world.

It is always our pleasure to see our happy customers coming to our booth and telling us how happy they are with our products. The same happened this year. One satisfied customer came to personally thank to one member of 24U team, who did custom software optimization for him. On this occasion we recorded with him a new testimonial.
On Thursday 23th of July at 9:00 AM you had a chance to see HOnza Koudelka talk about our session’s topic “how to be a troubleshooting hero fast and often”.

If you attended, we hope that you enjoyed it, and have learned some useful knowledge from our experience.
The FileMaker Developer Conference 2015 will be another important point in history of our success thanks to winning in the FileMaker Developer Cup. Our “Mad Optimizer” Honza Koudelka beat 11 competitors from different companies and countries.

Our developers were providing free consultations during the whole DevCon and helped some customers with their issues right there. We also volunteered to provide free advice at the Visionary bar.

Don’t forget that we are here for you, whether you need plug-ins, performance optimization, mobile apps, web apps, or just custom FileMaker development.

We are ready to help you to identify software-related issues, design a solution, implement the solution, and train your staff so you can stay happy with your software in a long term…
We look forward to seeing you at DevCon 2016.
In the meantime, let’s stay in touch. You can also recall the last year in San Antonio…