Wondering which hosting or data center to chose for your cloud-hosted FileMaker solution? Help us find out and share with the community! Special hosting edition of BenchTest is now ready for you to try from your own location...
Just before Christmas we got temporary access to 12 instances of fmCloud.fm to test their performance connecting from different locations. So we quickly prepared a special hosting edition of BenchTest, so that anyone from anywhere in the world could try it as well. Then we managed to arrange 5 more instances of fmCloud.fm, each in different data center, 2 instances of Honds.de in Aachen, Germany, 1 instance of FMPHost in Richmond, Virginia, USA and 2 instances of FileMaker Cloud, one in central Europe and one in western USA...

If you want to try it out, just follow these simple steps:
- Disable screen saver and energy saver and quit any potentially interfering apps
- Open fmp://demo.24u.cz/BenchTest_Hosting (you need to have FileMaker Pro installed)
- Select an available host to test
- Enter your name, e-mail and computer info
- Click on the blue Perform button
- Wait for the test to complete (can take more than an hour, even several hours with slower network connection or when connecting from a location far from the server)
Test servers availability is limited
It is important to note that each test server is only available for a limited time. So don't hesitate and try them out while you can! Each host has the date until when it's supposed to be available indicated, so start with those expiring sooner.
Results are available online
As soon as your test is finished, it will automatically appear in the Results table of the BenchTest page. We have even added a dedicated Hosting tab, so that these tests are listed separately from other test results.

We have already received 49 test results as I am writing this, and more are coming. Join us and try the available hosting options from your own location!
Add your own hosting
Are you a FileMaker hosting provider? Or do you have a favorite hosting that's not listed yet? If you prepare a test server, you can provide it for testing as well:

The server will need at least 10 GB of storage space and FileMaker Server 2023 installed, and you have to make it available for at least 1 week. Then download the hosting edition of BenchTest, put it on the server, and submit your server details through the BenchTest Hosting dispatcher.

As soon as we receive your server details and verify that the BenchTest hosting edition is ready there, we'll make it available in the dispatcher for everyone to try out.
Let's see which FileMaker hosting can provide the best performance...