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The best 10minute workflow to demo #FileMaker at a press conference

by HOnza Koudelka

The best 10minute workflow to demo #FileMaker at a press conference - Preview Image
I am preparing a 10minute demo for a press conference where I will be showing FileMaker to journalists who have never seen it and have no idea what it is about.
After a short brainstorming on Twitter I have come to the following idea as a workflow to show how cool FileMaker is:


  1. Setup a database for some cool data (yet to be decided)
  2. Import data from Excel
  3. Set up web sharing
  4. Modify/Add data via Instant Web Publishing
  5. Use Find Mode (automatically switch between Form View for Find Mode and Table View for Browse Mode) to perform a complex find request across some cool data set
  6. Generate a dynamic report sporting subsummaries and charts
  7. Generate a PDF from the report
  8. Use dynamic search filter sporting script triggers to filter out recipients of the report from a contact list in external SQL source (MySQL database of web subscribers)
  9. Send out the generated PDF to the selected recipients by e-mail


This is just the first idea. I will appreciate any advices how to make this even more cool and appealing.


The audience will consist of people who write articles for IT focused magazines but have never seen FileMaker and have no idea what it is for. They only know MS Excel, some of them also know MS Access,  but that's all. A great chance to evangelize FileMaker in my country!


Your comments are greatly appreciated!
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