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Integration with TerraLab

The customer had two applications for different processes, one served as a database system for medical procedures, while the other, TerraLab, was used in a laboratory environment. The customer needed to connect these systems to streamline the transfer of laboratory test requests to TerraLab and the subsequent return of test results to the database system, a process that had previously been done manually.

Illustration of TerraLab laboratory system integration with FileMaker.

Based on specifications provided by the company that developed the TerraLab application, we integrated their API interface. When a doctor creates a laboratory test request, such as a blood test, in the FileMaker database, the request is automatically added to a processing queue and sent to TerraLab via the API. The request includes all the necessary information for the laboratory test, including patient details.

Diagram of FileMaker and TerraLab API integration.

Upon completion of the laboratory tests, TerraLab calls the system''s API endpoint and transmits the results. These results are automatically saved in the database, allowing the doctor to immediately view them and prepare a report for the patient. TerraLab triggers a PHP script on a web server, which then uses Data API to write the results directly into the database.

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