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Offline Management of Measured Values

The customer needed a system integrated into their solution that would enable their workers to input measured values in factories, even in locations without internet access. Previously, this was not possible due to the need to open the database directly from the server, which required an internet connection.

Illustration of offline management of measured values in factories using FileMaker.

We developed a system that allows workers to download a copy of the database with the latest data in the morning. They can then work locally with this database throughout the day. In the evening, when the worker returns to a location with internet access, all updated data is uploaded back to the server.

Diagram of offline database synchronization with the online version.

The server database is synchronized using Bash scripts and FileMaker, which manage backups and transfer data to the correct folders. The upload process is handled by a FileMaker script in the local offline database containing the new data. This script uses an HTTP request to the Data API in the online version to upload the data.

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