Once again, our team came across the ocean to share our best experiences with you and help you to let you focus on your business. We had an amazing breakthrough to present there. This year in Phoenix, Arizona.
We have spent over 17 years taking care of our customers, mostly through FileMaker® solutions. On our journey we have had to cross many boundaries. We crossed country borderlines both physically and over the internet to reach to customers around the whole world.

We have been asked a lot of questions. Many developers wanted to know about how we optimize our solutions and also about our designated app for the task, 24U FM Bench.
We had a lot of conversations about converting the relational Spider model to a more efficient Anchor/Buoy model, and about our FileMaker Plug-Ins, such as 24U Phidgets Plug-In, which allows you to connect FileMaker Pro with the physical world through a variety of hardware boards called Phidgets or about our 24U Phone Companion that lets you integrate your phone system with FileMaker Pro.
We were glad to meet the president of FileMaker, Dominique Goupil, and talk with him about our company, the things we work on and the future of FileMaker.

On Tuesday, July 25 at 2:15pm you had a chance to see HOnza Koudelka talking about our session’s topic “Arachnophobia and Selector-Connector-Phobia Can Improve Performance”. We were pleased to see that there was a big interest in our session, which showed when we saw almost all of the seats were taken.

If you attended, we hope that you learned some valuable knowledge. And in case you didn’t make it or would like to refresh your memory, you can watch a video recording of the most interesting parts of our session below:
If you would like to know even more about this subject, or if you have a problem with converting from Spider to the more effective Anchor/Buoy, feel free to schedule a personal consultation with HOnza, who will be glad to help you. So don’t forget that not only our products, but the whole our team is here ready to help you, whether you need plug-ins, performance optimization, mobile apps, web apps, or just custom FileMaker Development.

We are ready to help you to identify software-related issues, design a solution, implement the solution, and train your staff so you can stay happy with your software in a long term…
We look forward to seeing you at DevCon 2018.
Meanwhile, you can recall the last year in Las Vegas…