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Showing 7 Results for "RFID"
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Meet Tracksy

Meet Tracksy - Preview Image

Tracksy is our new complete software & hardware solution for tracking and locating goods, assets, orders and people within controlled space, leveraging RAIN UHF RFID technology, ready to integrate with existing systems based on Claris FileMaker, SQL or REST API.

Gonector Prints RFID Labels

Gonector Prints RFID Labels - Preview Image

We have made our mobile hardware integration plug-in able to print labels on the Zebra ZQ630 RFID and compatible label printers, including reading and writing UHF RFID tags embedded in the labels. Gonector print labels quickly and reliably via Bluetooth using ZPL, so you don’t have to rely on wi-fi or AirPrint.

Equipment Loan tracking with Zealous Accuracy

Equipment Loan tracking with Zealous Accuracy - Preview Image

To remain efficient when integrating hardware devices with software, we created ELZA to keep track of where each device is located when we need it. We use QR codes to identify devices, responsive web app to start and finish loans, RFID to always know what's in its place, and Claris FileMaker to keep track of the history and state of each item.

RFID and NFC are on the Rise

RFID and NFC are on the Rise - Preview Image

You may have already seen my hardware integration demo where I combined iPads, iPhones, motors, barcodes, RFID, digital scale, mobile receipt printer, and payment cards. Although everyone loved the automated moving parts built from LEGO, the after-session questions and discussions were actually mostly focused on RFID and NFC.

Vyplněním a odesláním tohoto formuláře udělujete 24U s.r.o., IČ: 26152584, se sídlem Zvole u Prahy, Skochovická 88, PSČ 252 45, zapsané v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem v Praze, oddíl C, vložka 74920 souhlas s využitím Vašich osobních údajů, které jsou obsaženy ve formuláři, k zasílání obchodních sdělení o nabídkách a novinkách 24U s.r.o. Poskytnutí osobních údajů je dobrovolné. Svůj souhlas můžete kdykoli odvolat. Podrobnosti o nakládání s Vašimi osobními údaji a Vašich právech s tím souvisejících jsou obsaženy v zásadách zpracovávání a ochrany osobních údajů.

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