FileMaker Pro, WebDirect and Custom Web App in One Solution
Phil Hanson has a vertical solution for managing Australian gymnastics clubs. He’s using Claris FileMaker Pro for club/gym managers and WebDirect as a staff portal. We’ve helped him to create a members portal as a proper web app with responsive design and professional user experience, leveraging the best of all three worlds in a single solution.
Development Scheduling Optimized with Web Viewer
We use our own app to manage our software development projects. Few years ago my colleague Milan started feeling the need to schedule our capacity more precisely. So we created a detailed plan layout. In the following video you can see what the layout looked like and how we later optimized it using Web Viewer and JavaScript.
Visualize Data with PDF Vector Graphics
Vector graphics can be scaled without any loss of quality or accuracy. That can be very helpful for visual representation of data, such as printed reports or complex structures. Generating vector graphics as PDF in my example is handled solely by 42 custom functions. 100% compatible with server-side scripts, WebDirect, and even FileMaker Go.
Adding links to PDF from FileMaker
As a Claris partner, we resell FileMaker licenses. As an extra benefits, we also provide a nice PDF document with all information about the license, including download links. To generate this document from our FileMaker based CRM, I needed a way to include functional web links in it. So I wrote a custom function that does it, without any plug-ins.
Announcing fmRESTor.js
We have just added fmRESTor.js as a second flavor of fmRESTor, our open-source library helping web developers to leverage the RESTful FileMaker Data API with ease. The new flavor lets you connect to FileMaker Server directly from JavaScript, without a need for any hosted intermediate code.
Bridge for Arduino released
We are extending the range of hardware modules that can be easily integrated with the FileMaker platform by adding support the popular open-source hardware platform Arduino. The successful Phidgets Plug-In so becomes Bridge to reflect the growing range of supported hardware platforms.
24U at DevCon 2019
Our team crossed the ocean again to show our skills and upgraded demo at the FileMaker Developer Conference, which took place in Orlando, Florida. We answered a lot of questions about FileMaker and we discussed every problem our customers came with.
Amazing news from DevCon
FileMaker is now Claris. Again. FileMaker Platform remains a flagship product but other products are coming, first of them being Claris Connect, an integration service developed by an Italian company Stamplay, now acquired by Claris
Migrate and optimize your FileMaker solution with us
Our team of experience developers has just helped our client to safely migrate database from FileMaker 10 to FileMaker 18. Let us take care of your solution. New FileMaker version is just the beginning.
Read story how automated sheep sorting with 24U Phidgets Plug-In works
Counting sheep may put anyone asleep but for a sheep farmer sorting sheep is a real madness. Therefore our customer Jacques Kirouac from Quebec developed a new solution Sheep Sorter. It's cheaper than other commercial solutions and it’s able to sort animals based on many criteria.
Toolbox returning timestamps correctly and FM Bench updated as well
Toolbox 3.0.9 addresses an issue on some Windows configuration returning timestamps with wrong date. Since FM Bench relies on this functionality, we have updated it as well to include the fixed version of Toolbox.
Graham Lindsay Talks about 24U Custom Development
There are many things needed to be recorded in Biathlon competitions. Start time, finish time, shooting etc. It is great idea to automatized this with FileMaker database, but how to do it? Just listen Graham Lindsays story about 24U Plug-Ins and custom development!
Life before and after Xgode
We can build native iOS apps with the FileMaker platform but we struggled doing that too often. Xgode has changed this for us, and now it is not an exception when we build a FileMaker based native app more than five times on the same day. Why is the life after Xgode so different from the life before it?
Google Maps become affordable
Since the introduction of WebViewer, Google Maps were quite popular in FileMaker solutions. What many FileMaker developers may have missed though is that in most cases they were using Google Maps API illegally and Google could ban their API key or IP address from accessing the feature at any time.
Echoes of the Past
As time passes by, we quickly and easily get used to new technologies and new versions of all the apps we use. Occasionally, the history decently knocks on the door, checking if we remember. Just like recently, when a customer contacted us, asking for help with converting his invoicing solution, made in FileMaker Pro 1.0, to the current version.
Product Testing for Constant Improvements
We’ve been developing FileMaker plug-ins since the release of FileMaker Pro 4, so some of our products have been there for our users for over a decade. We would like to share with you a few notes on how to make a product successful, no matter how precisely you plan the future of your product.
Perform Script On Server
The idea of being able to off-load time consuming tasks from FileMaker Pro to FileMaker Server is as old as the scripting abilities of FileMaker Pro, which were introduced with the FileMaker Pro 3 release. But it was the FileMaker Server 13 that finally made this idea easy to implement.
Text or Numbers - What's Faster
One of the questions I am getting from time to time since I testing FileMaker performance is whether there is any significant difference between performance of text and number fields, So I tested it and discovered that there is even a case when indexed field can be slower than an undindexed one.
Safe Housekeeping
When you have a FileMaker solution that you have developed and used over a long time, you are likely to have objects like scripts, table occurrences, value lists, custom functions or layouts, that you don’t use any more. Once in a while you probably want to delete some of them to remove their impact on your solution’s size and performance.
24U helps SYNELOGIS to eliminate paperwork in freight transportation
Small company brings European freight transportation to the 21st century via modern technologies and a custom app developed in partnership with 24U Software within 6 weeks using the FileMaker Platform.
Team Development
The good thing about growth is that you’re getting stronger. You can deliver more work in less time and provide more unique values to your clients, such as stability, reliability, or variability. The difficult part is to make the team work together like clockwork.
Marvelous Optimization #4 - Optimized Again
Last September I wrote an article about a custom function that I optimized to evaluate hundreds times faster. At the end of the article, I challenged my readers and myself by claiming that the already optimized custom function can be optimized even further. Do you remember? Later on I actually really optimized it again, and talked about this.
Marvelous Optimization #3 - Faster Imports
This example demonstrates that even a single-step script can be optimized. You just have to think a little bit out of the box... I was showing this as a surprise in my session Marvelous Optimizations at Pause On Error [x] London 2011. I used a sample file with 25 fields and 5,000 records and imported these records 5 times in a row in just 13s.
Marvelous Optimization #1
This is the first example I was showing in my session Marvelous Optimizations at Pause On Error [x] London 2011. I already wrote about this optimization some time ago. It’s the one that led me to unveil the Marvelous Optimization Formula. I took the example and added FM Bench Detective into it to be able to exactly measure and examine what happens.
Debugging Scripts by Writing to Event.log
This is a fresh story of me spending hours trying to fix a technical issue and accidentally revealing a gold nugget. A few days ago one of my nightly server-side scripts stopped working without any apparent reason. But when I tried to run the script in FileMaker Pro it worked just fine. I really needed a way to debug the script on the server.
FileMaker Custom Function for HTML Entities
Just today I needed to decode HTML encoded text in FileMaker. After checking few functions I found one that seemed pretty good. Written in 2009 by Fabrice Nordman and named HTMLencoded2Text, this custom function was converting my imported text OK at first sight.
PHP Debugging & FileMaker Custom Functions Do Exist
I have just read Anders Monsen's post "Read on Mightydata's blog" A Simple Debug Function for PHP at the "Open the Mightydata's blog" Mightydata's blog. My first thought was this is similar to what I have been doing since I learned PHP a few years ago.
Vyplněním a odesláním tohoto formuláře udělujete 24U s.r.o., IČ: 26152584, se sídlem Zvole u Prahy, Skochovická 88, PSČ 252 45, zapsané v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem v Praze, oddíl C, vložka 74920 souhlas s využitím Vašich osobních údajů, které jsou obsaženy ve formuláři, k zasílání obchodních sdělení o nabídkách a novinkách 24U s.r.o. Poskytnutí osobních údajů je dobrovolné. Svůj souhlas můžete kdykoli odvolat. Podrobnosti o nakládání s Vašimi osobními údaji a Vašich právech s tím souvisejících jsou obsaženy v zásadách zpracovávání a ochrany osobních údajů.