Blazingly Fast Barcode Scanning with Linea Pro and Infinea Scanners
Linea Pro and Infinea are multi-purpose scanners made by Infinite Peripherals that attach as a protective case to your iPhone or iPad. They allow for blazingly fast and reliable barcode scanning and RFID reading or writing. Let us show you how easily you can integrate these scanners into your own custom app made with Claris FileMaker...
Gonector Prints RFID Labels
We have made our mobile hardware integration plug-in able to print labels on the Zebra ZQ630 RFID and compatible label printers, including reading and writing UHF RFID tags embedded in the labels. Gonector print labels quickly and reliably via Bluetooth using ZPL, so you don’t have to rely on wi-fi or AirPrint.
Reading and Writing NFC Tags from FileMaker
Every iPhone 7 or newer can read NFC tags. Starting from iOS 13, iPhone can also write to NFC tags. Our Gonector plug-in enables you to do that directly from your custom FileMaker apps. You can use this to store any data to the tag, such as product ID, inspection history of a device, link to instructions on how to use a device, or anything else.
Implementing Industrial Barcode Scanners from Zebra
Gonector lets you integrate your custom FileMaker apps with industrial barcode scanners from Zebra to scan your barcodes quickly and reliably even in poor light conditions. Learn how you can easily implement these scanners into your own app for tasks such as inventory counting.
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