25 countries engaged in Malmö
Square Moon and Clickworks did it again! Reaching the target of 200 attendees made EngageU 2024 the largest in-person FileMaker conference in Europe this year. With 35 speakers from around the world, 4 tracks of technical sessions, it reminded me on the old good FileMaker DevCons and all the reasons for attending I shared in my video 13 years ago.
Arachnophobia at FileMaker Konferenz 2017
In October 2017 we proudly sponsored the German-speaking FileMaker Konferenz again. HOnza Koudelka, our mad optimizer, presented two sessions there, both focused on FileMaker performance.
Time Warp to FileMaker Konferenz 2016
After presenting at four German-speaking FileMaker conferences, let us take a brief look back at the first one in 2016 where all our European DevCons presence began. For the first time, in 2016 we had some really interesting stuff to show, including two case studies and results of over four thousand performance tests.
Recap of our first FileMaker Devcon Scandinavia
When preparing for our fourth German-speaking FileMaker Konferenz, HOnza got invited to speak at FileMaker Devcon Scandinavia as well. So we ended up participating in 2 European developer conferences this year. We had a great time there and HOnza's sessions were well appreciated. He had to stay for about an hour answering questions.
Another FileMaker Konferenz is over and it has been great again
This year, hosted in Hamburg, Germany, over 180 German-speaking FileMaker developers came to this local conference to learn something new and get inspired. The atmosphere of the 3-day conference was very friendly and forward looking, as, how we already learned during the past 3 years, FileMaker Konferenz always tends to be.
Claris Engage Europe 2020
Claris has announced that in 2020 there will be not only Claris Engage in the USA, but also Claris Engage Europe in October, located in Lisbon, Portugal.
Vyplněním a odesláním tohoto formuláře udělujete 24U s.r.o., IČ: 26152584, se sídlem Zvole u Prahy, Skochovická 88, PSČ 252 45, zapsané v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem v Praze, oddíl C, vložka 74920 souhlas s využitím Vašich osobních údajů, které jsou obsaženy ve formuláři, k zasílání obchodních sdělení o nabídkách a novinkách 24U s.r.o. Poskytnutí osobních údajů je dobrovolné. Svůj souhlas můžete kdykoli odvolat. Podrobnosti o nakládání s Vašimi osobními údaji a Vašich právech s tím souvisejících jsou obsaženy v zásadách zpracovávání a ochrany osobních údajů.