BenchTest 2.1 released
Our free benchmarking tool BenchTest has been updated to version 2.1. It brings a new section dedicated to our Initiative '24, focusing measuring performance of the FileMaker calculation engine, as well as several small improvements to let you make good decisions for your development.
Balancing all FileMaker Server data pipes
In my second performance-related interview at, I talked with Johan Hedman from Square Moon, who has got a great experience getting the most out of FileMaker Server by balancing the use of all its engines at once.
Punish Your FileMaker Server
On the 24th of October I had the pleasure to interview Wim Decorte from Soliant Consulting at the live stream. We talked primarily about Punisher, a tool Wim developed a few years ago to stress-test FileMaker Server.
Intriguing Rome FileMaker Week 2024
Building on the success of the previous two years, we agreed to be one of the "Grail of Greatness Premium Sponsors" for the third instalment of Rome FileMaker week, a week-long event in the ancient Rome that again went far beyond being just another developers conference. It brought a lot of high quality FileMaker focused technical content.
FileMaker Konferenz 2024 powered by Scavent
Coming back to scening Malbun in Liechtenstein, we were glad to again support the friendly German speaking FileMaker Conference and presented our latest FileMaker performance update. This time we have also helped by providing our Scavent event management solution and both the organizers and attendees were astonished.
Initiative '24 for Faster FileMaker Calculations
It's January 24, 2024, the 40th anniversary of Macintosh, and we are announcing Initiative ’24, our endeavor to make FileMaker calculations faster for everyone.
More than just Claris FileMaker 2023
Internally marked as version 20.1.1, Claris FileMaker 2023 is the next major upgrade released with around 500 bug fixes and some brand new features.
FileMaker Performance Lab Meeting June 2022 Recap
Another Performance Lab Meeting has been great and inspirational again with 27 developers joining me online to discuss how FileMaker 19.5 compares to the previous versions, how fast it runs on the new Apple silicon Macs, and what's new in BenchTest, our tool for testing and comparing FileMaker performance.
How fast are FileMaker 19.5 and the new Macs? Let's discuss...
Claris has released version 19.5 of the FileMaker platform. Apple released Mac Studio and announced M2 equipped laptops. How are these new releases going to affect performance of your FileMaker apps? See our first test results and join us on June 28 to discuss them in detail.
Test Your FileMaker Performance with BenchTest 2.0
Meet BenchTest 2, our free benchmarking tool for Claris FileMaker. You can use it to measure and compare performance of different techniques to do the same thing, different versions of FileMaker Pro and FileMaker Server, or different client, server and network configurations.
Join Us for October 2021 Performance Lab Meeting
Mark your calendar for the next FileMaker Performance Lab online meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, October 27. Join us to discuss new version of BenchTest, latest performance test results, as well as benchmarking and optimization techniques and best practices.
BenchTest Community Results 1st Wave
Since June, when I made an updated public beta of BenchTest available, 45 valid complete test results were submitted by 19 different people. It’s just a beginning, but enough to make some comparisons and share the results with you, so here they come, along with an updated version of the tool.
FileMaker Performance Lab June 2021
During the January FileMaker Performance Lab meeting I shared the first beta version of BenchTest, my performance testing tools. I was working on it since then and today I am pleased to announce the first version ready for you to easily compare the performance of your own FileMaker Server or hosting with my reference setup.
Development Scheduling Optimized with Web Viewer
We use our own app to manage our software development projects. Few years ago my colleague Milan started feeling the need to schedule our capacity more precisely. So we created a detailed plan layout. In the following video you can see what the layout looked like and how we later optimized it using Web Viewer and JavaScript.
FileMaker Performance Lab Meeting January 2021
Our second online meeting to discuss FileMaker performance testing has taken place on January 19 with 36 participants. Now you can watch the recording even if you have missed the meeting.
New Year with New Test Results
A new year has come and we all hope it will push us forward to better tomorrows. New year also deserves new performance test results, especially since Claris released FileMaker 19.2 just a few days ahead of Christmas. So I used some of the calm holiday time to prepare new sets of tests and discover some new interesting things…
FileMaker on M1 under Rosetta vs Intel Core i7
We have received our first Mac mini with the Apple’s new M1 processor, so I could not resist to test how Claris FileMaker performs on this new hardware. I was very nicely surprised, that even under the Rosetta emulation, it performend as well as on the latest Core i7 Mac mini.
FM Bench updated to version 1.3.4
Version 1.3.4 of our popular benchmarking and performance optimization tool is now available. The new version allows you to directly connect renamed FM Bench Log file, better handles logging of concurrent server-side script and provides workarounds for some special cases, such as stopping script by closing the last window.
FileMaker Performance Lab Meeting 11/2020
On November 19, 2020 you could join HOnza online to discuss the first results of hos performance tests of FileMaker Server 19.1.2 and FileMaker Pro 19.1.3. The meeting, attended by 29 participants, is over, but recording is available.
FileMaker Server 19.1.2 Performance First Results
Claris has released FileMaker Pro 19.1.3 and FileMaker Server 19.1.2. I have added these new versions to my performance lab and here are my first test results. Linux version seems slightly faster than Windows version, JavaScript is way faster than FileMaker calculation engine, and sorting on server can surprise you as much as it has surprised me.
FileMaker 19 Performance Lab and Compatibility
Claris has released FileMaker 19. We have tested all our products and are happy to confirm that they all work fine with the new version, only iOS versions of our plug-ins need to be updated for the new iOS App SDK. Now we are preparing our performance lab to test FileMaker 19 performance and compare it to the previous versions.
Optimizing FileMaker Performance for Working from Home
When most of the world is forced to work from home, many things you took for granted can disappear over night. Speed of the internet is one of them, performance of your business critical apps follows very closely. So let me share a few tips on how you can optimize your FileMaker apps for working from home over the slower-than-usually internet.
FileMaker Konferenz 2018 Performance Lab
You have probably already read about our presence at FileMaker Konferenz 2019 where we shared fresh results of testing FileMaker 18 performance, but we cannot omit the recap of the previous conference, held in a beautiful ski-resort Malbun in the east of Liechtenstein.
Arachnophobia at FileMaker Konferenz 2017
In October 2017 we proudly sponsored the German-speaking FileMaker Konferenz again. HOnza Koudelka, our mad optimizer, presented two sessions there, both focused on FileMaker performance.
Time Warp to FileMaker Konferenz 2016
After presenting at four German-speaking FileMaker conferences, let us take a brief look back at the first one in 2016 where all our European DevCons presence began. For the first time, in 2016 we had some really interesting stuff to show, including two case studies and results of over four thousand performance tests.
Pause On Error Portland 2014 Recording
After participating on Pause[x]London 2011 and Pause[x]Berlin 2013 I got invited to attend Pause On Error Portland 2014 as well. Even though my schedule did not allow me to attend in person, I managed to host one session about Efficient Optimizing and Troubleshooting of FileMaker Solutions and Business Processes remotely over Skype.
How Fast is the New FileMaker Cloud?
How fast or slow is FileMaker Cloud and what should you know before deciding to throw away your old Mac mini you're using to run FileMaker Server and move your databases to FileMaker Cloud? Let me put the other aspects, such as cost or security, aside for now, and focus solely on the performance.
Migrate and optimize your FileMaker solution with us
Our team of experience developers has just helped our client to safely migrate database from FileMaker 10 to FileMaker 18. Let us take care of your solution. New FileMaker version is just the beginning.
Perform Script On Server
The idea of being able to off-load time consuming tasks from FileMaker Pro to FileMaker Server is as old as the scripting abilities of FileMaker Pro, which were introduced with the FileMaker Pro 3 release. But it was the FileMaker Server 13 that finally made this idea easy to implement.
Text or Numbers - What's Faster
One of the questions I am getting from time to time since I testing FileMaker performance is whether there is any significant difference between performance of text and number fields, So I tested it and discovered that there is even a case when indexed field can be slower than an undindexed one.
Safe Housekeeping
When you have a FileMaker solution that you have developed and used over a long time, you are likely to have objects like scripts, table occurrences, value lists, custom functions or layouts, that you don’t use any more. Once in a while you probably want to delete some of them to remove their impact on your solution’s size and performance.
24U FM Bench is fully compatible with FileMaker Pro 14
We have tested all components of 24U FM Bench with the recently released version 14 of the FileMaker products and have not encountered any issue at all. The current version 1.2.1 of 24U FM Bench is fully compatible.
Optimization Madness
In May, I participated in Pause[x]Berlin 2013, a European format of the popular unconference Pause On Error, organized for FileMaker developers by FileMaker developers.. There I presented a session called Optimization Madness focused on optimizing performance of FileMaker solutions.
Why is FileMaker 12 slow?
A lot has been written and said since FileMaker 12 was released about its speed, compared to FileMaker 11. Emotions left aside, if I was supposed to compile all the recent findings into a single brief message, I would say that some people find FileMaker 12 slower than FileMaker 11 while others experience improved performance.
Marvelous Optimization #4 - Optimized Again
Last September I wrote an article about a custom function that I optimized to evaluate hundreds times faster. At the end of the article, I challenged my readers and myself by claiming that the already optimized custom function can be optimized even further. Do you remember? Later on I actually really optimized it again, and talked about this.
Marvelous Optimization #3 - Faster Imports
This example demonstrates that even a single-step script can be optimized. You just have to think a little bit out of the box... I was showing this as a surprise in my session Marvelous Optimizations at Pause On Error [x] London 2011. I used a sample file with 25 fields and 5,000 records and imported these records 5 times in a row in just 13s.
Marvelous Optimization #2
The second example I was showing in my session Marvelous Optimizations at Pause On Error [x] London 2011 was the script for selecting Random Set of Records. I found this example in the FileMaker Knowledge Base and optimized it to run at least 158 times faster when selecting 10 random records out of 50,000.
Marvelous Optimization #1
This is the first example I was showing in my session Marvelous Optimizations at Pause On Error [x] London 2011. I already wrote about this optimization some time ago. It’s the one that led me to unveil the Marvelous Optimization Formula. I took the example and added FM Bench Detective into it to be able to exactly measure and examine what happens.
Random Set of Records (optimized)
I noticed that one of the articles updated in the official FileMaker Knowledge Base on September 23, 2011 was explaining how to select a random set of records in a FileMaker database. I was wondering how fast the currently recommended technique is and whether I can make it faster with the help of FM Bench.
Custom Function Optimized to Evaluate Hundreds Times Faster
Experts in optimization and hardware integration, platinum member of the FileMaker Business Alliance. We build custom apps, FileMaker plug-ins, native apps for Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android, we are able to to integrate even hardware and software noone has integrated before.
5 reasons for not attending FileMaker DevCon
To attend or not to attend? That's the question I am asking myself every year since 2002 when I attended my first FileMaker DevCon. I have attended 8 DevCons so far, and skipped one. I have identified the following 5 possible reasons for not attending:
FileMaker Script Execution Time Cut From 5 Hours To 6 Seconds
Sometimes, not often, I accidentally achieve results that look too marvelous to be real. But they are. Just like in this case. Last week I assigned Petr, our internal system developer, the task to optimize one server-side script. The script recently started taking over 8 hours to run and reaching the expiration limit we have set for it.
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