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Showing 30 Results for "performance lab"
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FileMaker Performance Update 2024

FileMaker Performance Update 2024 - Preview Image

What does FileMaker 2024 bring in terms of performance? Which features got faster? And did any other get slower? We performed various tests to find out, and here we're going to share their results with you. We discovered, for instance, that starting server-side scripts got slightly faster, but not as much as we hoped for...

BenchTest Community Results 1st Wave

BenchTest Community Results 1st Wave - Preview Image

Since June, when I made an updated public beta of BenchTest available, 45 valid complete test results were submitted by 19 different people. It’s just a beginning, but enough to make some comparisons and share the results with you, so here they come, along with an updated version of the tool.

FileMaker Performance Lab June 2021

FileMaker Performance Lab June 2021 - Preview Image

During the January FileMaker Performance Lab meeting I shared the first beta version of BenchTest, my performance testing tools. I was working on it since then and today I am pleased to announce the first version ready for you to easily compare the performance of your own FileMaker Server or hosting with my reference setup.

FileMaker Pro, WebDirect and Custom Web App in One Solution

FileMaker Pro, WebDirect and Custom Web App in One Solution - Preview Image

Phil Hanson has a vertical solution for managing Australian gymnastics clubs. He’s using Claris FileMaker Pro for club/gym managers and WebDirect as a staff portal. We’ve helped him to create a members portal as a proper web app with responsive design and professional user experience, leveraging the best of all three worlds in a single solution.

New Year with New Test Results

New Year with New Test Results - Preview Image

A new year has come and we all hope it will push us forward to better tomorrows. New year also deserves new performance test results, especially since Claris released FileMaker 19.2 just a few days ahead of Christmas. So I used some of the calm holiday time to prepare new sets of tests and  discover some new interesting things…

FileMaker Server 19.1.2 Performance First Results

FileMaker Server 19.1.2 Performance First Results - Preview Image

Claris has released FileMaker Pro 19.1.3 and FileMaker Server 19.1.2. I have added these new versions to my performance lab and here are my first test results. Linux version seems slightly faster than Windows version, JavaScript is way faster than FileMaker calculation engine, and sorting on server can surprise you as much as it has surprised me.

Engaged by Claris Engage 2020

Engaged by Claris Engage 2020 - Preview Image

The first Claris Engage, a successor of FileMaker DevCons, was originally planned to take place in Nashville, Tennessee. The coronavirus pandemic has changed plans for most live events this year, and so Claris Engage turned to a virtual experience. We attended, and even participated as a virtual exhibitor, so let us share our highlights with you.

Time Warp to FileMaker Konferenz 2016

Time Warp to FileMaker Konferenz 2016 - Preview Image

After presenting at four German-speaking FileMaker conferences, let us take a brief look back at the first one in 2016 where all our European DevCons presence began. For the first time, in 2016 we had some really interesting stuff to show, including two case studies and results of over four thousand performance tests.

How Fast is the New FileMaker Cloud?

How Fast is the New FileMaker Cloud? - Preview Image

How fast or slow is FileMaker Cloud and what should you know before deciding to throw away your old Mac mini you're using to run FileMaker Server and move your databases to FileMaker Cloud? Let me put the other aspects, such as cost or security, aside for now, and focus solely on the performance.

Become a Troubleshooting Hero!

Become a Troubleshooting Hero! - Preview Image

You know what it feels like to be the hero who has just fixed “the thing”. Imagine you have spent hundreds or thousands of hours developing your solution, and now you’re ready to deploy it. Is your work done? The truth is that until now you have been playing your favorite game. Now the real life begins.

Perform Script On Server

Perform Script On Server - Preview Image

The idea of being able to off-load time consuming tasks from FileMaker Pro to FileMaker Server is as old as the scripting abilities of FileMaker Pro, which were introduced with the FileMaker Pro 3 release. But it was the FileMaker Server 13 that finally made this idea easy to implement.

Client Offload

Client Offload - Preview Image

In the last article I mentioned I attended Pause[x]Berlin 2013 with my team and gave you the video recording of my session Optimization Madness. I'm glad to tell you that I have one more recording from this event for you. We also recorded Fabrice Nordmann's session Client Offload.

Optimization Madness

Optimization Madness - Preview Image

In May, I participated in Pause[x]Berlin 2013, a European format of the popular unconference Pause On Error, organized for FileMaker developers by FileMaker developers.. There I presented a session called Optimization Madness focused on optimizing performance of FileMaker solutions.

Why is FileMaker 12 slow?

Why is FileMaker 12 slow? - Preview Image

A lot has been written and said since FileMaker 12 was released about its speed, compared to FileMaker 11. Emotions left aside, if I was supposed to compile all the recent findings into a single brief message, I would say that some people find FileMaker 12 slower than FileMaker 11 while others experience improved performance.

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